PACT post title

MOSAIC // Culture and Creativity is one of the five partners that will implement the PACT – Political Activism Critical Thinking international project. One of the biggest problems that people in Europe have faced in recent years is radicalisation, which results from the declining participation of Europeans in political life.
These trends become even clearer in times of crisis. Especially during the Corona crisis, in which people had to severely restrict their personal freedoms, many people are particularly vulnerable to radicalisation. The phenomenon of radicalisation is now more commonly identified with terrorism and violent extremism.
What are the reasons for radicalization and how do radicalization processes work? Who are the actors and how is radicalisation propagated? How can democratic values ​​be conveyed and realised? What democratic means are available to implement initiatives? How does political participation work? Which skills have to be acquired in order to be able to participate in socially relevant topics? The aim of this project is to find out how people can be methodically empowered to participate in socially relevant issues – also on a political level. In this context, an online article, a guide and a methodology kit are to be created in order to increase the opportunities for Europeans to participate.
This should be learned through concrete tools and approaches by exchanging best practices, tools and methods for developing critical thinking and political activism. Organisations, adult educators and volunteers from five cities take part in this project.

The PACT project is funded by the ERASMUS+ Programme.


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